Thank you for submitting your story for Katha: Desi Fiction Contest 2012. Here are the results:

First Place: “Lucky Sky” by MALAY JALUNDHWALA,  San Francisco, Calif.

Second Place: “Amma” by MOHAMED REFAI MOHAMED IRFAN, Chennai, India

Third Place: “For Sale” by VRINDA BALIGA, Hyderabad, India

Honorable Mention: “Commonwealth Games” by NIKESH MURALI, Canberra, Australia

Honorable Mention: “The Beggar” by PURNENDU CHATTERJEE, Barrackpore, India

The winning entries will be published in upcoming issues of India Currents and/or Khabar magazines.

We received a total of 167 entries for Katha 2012. This year’s judges were Chitra Divakaruni and Bharti Kirchner.

Chitra Divakaruni, who lived in the Bay Area for many years & remembers the birth of India Currents, teaches Creative Writing at the Univ. of Houston. She is a co-founder of Maitri, a Bay Area organization that helps women in abusive situations. Her latest novel is the international bestseller One Amazing Thing. In 2011, along with Salman Rushdie, she received a Light of India award. She invites India Currents readers to join her at for literary conversation.

Bharti Kirchner is the author of nine books—five novels and four cookbooks and hundreds of short pieces published in magazines and newspapers. Her latest novel Tulip Season: A Mitra Basu Mystery is just out. Visit

We thank you for taking part in the contest and encourage you to continue writing.